共為你找到:200筆hotel in shanghai 相關企業資訊
Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport located on No. 1-1, Terminal South Road, Dayuan Township, Taoyuan County, Taiwan. We are the first European Brand hotel in Taiwan, and we will be the first international hotel to open at the Taoyuan International Airport. Owned by China Airlines, the hotel will be the flagship airport hotel within Asia for Accor. 由中華航空公司規劃的台北諾富特桃園國際機場飯店Novotel Taipei Taoyuan International Airport,於2009年11月正式隆重開幕。 中華航空公司為參與「國際機場航空事業營運中心」計畫,成立華航園區股份有限公司,並與民航局於2006年9月完成簽約,興建位於桃園縣大園鄉的「台北諾富特桃園國際機場飯店」。 「台北諾富特桃園國際機場飯店」--- 委由全球知名的法國雅高國際酒店(Accor)旗下Novotel品牌負責經營管理,而這一酒店集團在全球已經擁有4000家知名酒店;目前20個國家、65家機場旅館中,就有20家是Novotel的品牌。飯店總房間數為361間, 提供健身中心/Spa/理髮院/中/西/宴餐廳服務。 交通資訊: 桃園機場第一航站:可於入境大廳西側門大客車上車處之D,E號站牌,搭乘飯店之接駁巴士。(每30分鐘一班) 桃園機場第二航站:可於入境大廳東側門大客車上車處之71,72號站牌旁,搭乘飯店之接駁巴士前往飯店。(每30分鐘一班) 開車: 南下:行駛國道1號中山高速公路,過南崁交流道後,於機場系統交流道接入國道2號機場支線,見到國道2號終點指示牌後靠左繼續行駛。飯店位於左側華航園區,見到中華航空公司招牌後準備左轉即可抵達。 北上:行駛國道1號中山高速公路,過中壢服務區後,於機場系統交流道接入國道2號機場支線,見到國道2號終點指示牌後靠左繼續行駛。飯店位於左側華航園區,見到中華航空公司招牌後準備左轉即可抵達。 台灣高鐵: 搭乘台灣高鐵至桃園青埔站下車,搭乘高鐵至桃園機場之接駁車(統聯705)至本飯店下車(每趟NT$30元),請務必上車時告知司機先生於本飯店停靠。 公車: 台北地區—可搭台北至桃園機場客運,如國光號、中興號、大有巴士、統聯客運及飛狗巴士等抵達桃園機場第二航站下車,於航站內再轉搭乘飯店之機場接駁巴士前往飯店。 桃園地區—可搭桃園至桃園機場客運(71號);中壢地區可搭乘桃園機場至中壢客運(72號)抵達桃園機場第二航站,於航站內再轉搭乘飯店之機場接駁巴士前往飯店。 桃園地區—可於桃園火車站搭台灣高鐵接駁車至桃園青埔站下車,搭乘 (統聯705) 至本飯店下車(每趟NT$30元),請務必上車時告知司機先生於本飯店停靠。 台中地區—可於台中車站搭乘國光號、飛狗巴士(52號)至桃園機場;統聯客運分別於台中市區(11號)及台中車站均可搭乘至桃園機場;飛狗巴士另有於台中干城至桃園機場間之路線可搭乘;抵達桃園機場第二航站後,於航站內再轉搭乘飯店之機場接駁巴士前往飯店。 彰化員林地區—可搭乘和欣客運彰化至桃園機場線至桃園機場,抵達桃園機場第二航站後,於航站內再轉搭乘飯店之機場接駁巴士前往飯店。
1994 Amotech was founded in Korea 1995 Established “Kimpo” factory in Korea 1996 Selected as a “Bright future company” by Ministry of IC department 1998 Established “Incheon” factory in Korea 2000 Acquired ISO9000 2002 “Korea Technology Best Fast 50” by National Credit Evaluation 2003 Selected as a “National Research Laboratory” by Ministry of Science 2003 Established Sandong Amotech China factory 2003 IPO on KOSDAQ 2004 Acquired TS16949 Certification 2005 Technology 500 Asia Pacific Award by Deloitte, Acquired ISO14001 2006 Registered Independent Sales office in Shanghai, China California USA 2007 Established Qingdao Factory in China 2008 Established Chunan Pyungtaek Factory in Korea
Springcome Industries is a autoparts manufactory produce water pump, engine bearing, c.v. joint have factories in Shanghai and Zhejiang.
We are a small but fast growing technical Sales and Service organisation serving the Semiconductor, Photronics and Optoelectronics Industry in the Pacific region. It was founded in 1985 in Hong Kong. To enhance our operations in the Far East, we established branch offices in Taiwan and Singapore in the early 1990s. At the start of the new millennium, we also set up an office in Shanghai, to cope with our growth in Mainland China. Now the company has Service Centers in Hong Kong,Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan and various cities (Shanghai, Suzhou, Tianjin and Shenzhen) in China. The company represents various leading equipment and material manufacturers in the Far East. Our customers include almost all Assembly Houses, Wafer Fabs, LCD manufacturers and major universities and research institutes in the territories we cover. We are looking for high-quality candidates to join our Taiwan team to grow the business together.
We provide consultation to our exclusive club in shanghai and Taiwan. Our club will serve fine dining and can also organize up-scale event. It will be the most prestigious and high-end private club in Shanghai Taiwan. Our clubs are target to launch around third quarter of year 2011 (Shanghai) and 2012 (Taiwan). We are now looking for professionals to join our team.
We are trading company based in Tainan and activity in Shanghai. Major business is in Agrochemical area and Biocide.
豪登國際顧問管理有限公司 (Horton International Taiwan) Horton International is a global executive search firm founded in the US in 1978. It has a worldwide coverage including a strong presence in most of the Asia Pacific countries, and has consistently maintained a top-20 ranking among major Executive Search firms in global operations. In early 1993, Horton International established its Greater China headquarter in Shanghai. Over the years, Horton International China (HIC) and Horton International Taiwan (HIT) have successfully placed over 1,000 executives and managers for multinational companies in the Greater China region and coordinated recruitment efforts with other partners in the APAC region.
公司已有25年歷史,主要產品為製造寵物相關用品100%外銷歐/美/日本/加拿大/澳洲為主,工廠設於上海市閔行區及浙江省嘉善縣,每年業績達美金/USD1.5千萬以上,獨資企業。 We are pet product manufacturer in the Far-East has 800 employees, two production factories locate in Shanghai/China also business branch office operation spread in Colorado(USA)/Bangkok (Thailand)/Hong Kong, Taiwan offices in both Taipei/Taichun to develop new product by our Topet team work etc.
由香格里拉飯店集團,營運管理的台北遠東國際大飯店,矗立於規畫完整並具有複合功能的層高 43 樓,遠企中心廣場上,坐擁敦化南路精華地段,是一個豪華五星級飯店,位於敦化南路,是台北最新、成長最快的商業精華區;據桃園中正機場約45分鐘車程,而距市中心商圈亦僅5分鐘車程。擁有 422 間精緻客房,包括 50 間雅仕套房,3 間特級套房及台北市最負盛名的總統套房。富麗堂皇的宴會廳,可容納300 人以上。所有宴會廳及會議廳均備有最先進的視聽設備。 具現代化休閒設施的健身俱樂部,包括 7 樓戶外游泳池,頂樓溫水游泳池,按摩池、三溫暖、蒸氣浴、按摩服務、設備先進之健身房、有氧舞蹈室、 娛樂休閒廳及四十樓私人三溫暖室。 Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Taipei’s premier luxury hotel, occupies an ideal location in the heart of the city’s flourishing business district on fashionable Tun Hwa South Road, just five minutes away from the Taipei World Trade Convention and Exhibition Centre. The hotel comprises 420 exquisitely appointed luxury guest rooms, including 53 suites. The d?cor throughout the hotel exudes a perfect blend of the East and West, including artworks inspired by classical Sung dynasty pieces. Taking advantage of the unique curved shape and soaring height of our signature building, which is the tallest hotel in the city, all rooms and suites have engaging and varied views of the Taipei skyline and the surrounding mountains.
本公司成立於民國76年,為國內知名之休閒用品廠商。也代理國內外知名品牌,在大陸、台灣均有設置工廠製造生產,早期是以生產帳蓬、睡袋為主,但因時代的變遷,市場的需求等因素,已慢慢轉型成為經營各種多元化之休閒用品廠商,經營的通路抱括:外銷國外市場,國內的百貨、超市、量販店、自營‧‧等。 Hong Yih Cotton Weaving Industrial Co., Ltd. has been engaged with manufacturing sports and camping products since 1987, and becomes a well-known manufacturer and supplier in outdoor sports field. We are also licensed to franchise well-known brand products. Our factories in Shanghai and Taiwan are mainly manufacturing tents and sleep bags. Due to the demand of the international market, currently we become diversified for recreational purpose products supplier. Our target markets include domestic and international markets, retailers stores, warehouse stores, super markets and department stores, private own stores etc.
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